English |
Last modification: Thursday, 20 July, 2000 |
SPICE Parameters Extraction Program |
SPAREXT (Spice PARameters EXTractor) is a program for extraction (identification) of SPICE model parameters using nonlinear optimization techniques. As source data for extraction the program is using one or more current-voltage, capacitor-voltage or temperature characteristics (depending on chosen device model). During extraction it's selected that values of required model's parameters, with which maximum approach (as it possible) of calculated data to corresponding measured data is achieved. It is reached by minimization of objective function, which is, in general, summa by the whole measured points of squares of differences, or error, between measured and calculated data.
the number of included optimization methods |
7 |
the number of objective functions types |
5 |
the number of included device models |
14 |
the number of available types of measured characteristics |
15 |
the maximum number of optimization parameters |
34 |
the maximum number of measured points |
1000 |
the maximum number of measured curves |
200 |
the Nelder-Mead Simplex method;
the Hook-Jeaves method;
the Davidon-Fletcher-Powell method;
the Fletcher-Reaves method;
the Direct Search method;
the Marquardt-Levenberg method;
the Modified Damped Least Squares method.
The following notation are using:
Fobj |
— objective function; |
M |
— the number of the measured points; |
Xmeas i |
— measured quantity; |
Xcalc i |
— calculated quantity, corresponding measured quantity Xmeas i. |
absolute errors function |
(1) |
relative errors function |
(2) |
function with user specified weights |
(3) |
Type 2 |
(4) |
where: |
symmetric relative errors function |
(5) |
Any value (1)-(5) may be normalised as follow:
MOSFET1 — SPICE MOSFET (n & p-channel) 1-st level model: Vds, Vgs, Vsb, TMP, Tnom, Gmin, Lm, Wm, Ad, As, NRd, NRs, Rsh, Rd, Rs, Vto, KP, Gamma, Phi, Lambda, Ld, Wd, Is, Js.
MOSFET2 — SPICE MOSFET (n & p-channel) 2-nd level model: Vds, Vgs, Vsb, TMP, Tnom, Gmin, Lm, Wm, Ad, As, NRd, NRs, Rsh, Rd, Rs, Vto, Gamma, Phi, PB, Tox, Nsub, Nfs, Xj, Ld, Wd, Uo, Ucrit, Utra, Uexp, Vmax, Neff, Delta, Is, Js.
MOSFET3 — SPICE MOSFET (n & p-channel) 3-rd level model: Vds, Vgs, Vsb, TMP, Tnom, Gmin, Lm, Wm, Ad, As, NRd, NRs, Rsh, Rd, Rs, Vto, Gamma, Phi, Tox, Nsub, Nfs, Xj, Ld, Wd, Uo, Vmax, Delta, Is, Js, Eta, Theta, Kappa.
MOSAID — MOSFET (n & p-channel) model: Vds, Vgs, Vsb, Lm, Wm, DL, DW, Vto, Theta, KAPO, Rsm, CM, Kd, Be, Bi, Ks, Kn, Fermi.
CASMOS — MOSFET (n & p-channel) model: Vds, Vgs, Vsb, Rd, Rs, Lm, Wm, DL, DW, Vto, Phi, Beta00, Kinf, THinf, Etan, Ai, Li, Ak, Bk, ATheta, BTheta, AlphaN, Csat, Lsat.
BJT — SPICE bipolar transistor (npn & pnp) model: Vbe, Vbc, TMP, Tnom, Gmin, Is, Bf, Nf, Vaf, Ikf, Ise, Ne, Br, Nr, Var, Ikr, Isc, Nc, Rb, Irb, Rbm, Re, Rc, Xtb, Eg, Xti.
JFET — SPICE JFET (n & p-channel) model: Vds, Vgs, TMP, Tnom, Gmin, Vto, Beta, Lambda, Rd, Rs, Rg, Is.
GASFET — PSpice n-channel GaAs FET model: Vds, Vgs, TMP, Tnom, Eg, Gmin, Vto, Alpha, Beta, Lambda, Exp, Rd, Rs, Rg, Is.
DIODE — SPICE diode model: Vbias, TMP, Tnom, Gmin, Is, Rs, Ncoef, Eg, Xti, BV, Ibv.
DCAP — SPICE pn-junction capacitor model: Vbias, TMP, Tnom, Vj, Cj0, Mcoef, Fc.
PNCAP — SPICE pn-junction capacitor model (source/drain junction of MOSFET): Vbias, TMP, Tnom, AREA, PRMT, Vj, Cj, Mj, Cjsw, Mjsw, Fc.
RES — SPICE resistor termal model: TMP, Tnom, Rs, Tc1, Tc2, Tce.
CAP — SPICE capacitor model: Vbias, TMP, Tnom, Tc1, Tc2, Npol.
IND — SPICE inductor model: Ithru, TMP, Tnom, Tc1, Tc2, Npol.
for MOSFETs and JFETs (MOSFET1, MOSFET2, MOSFET3, MOSAID, CASMOS, JFET, GASFET): Ids(Vds), Gds(Vds), Ids(Vgs), lg(Ids(Vgs));
for bipolar transistors (BJT): Ic(Vce), Ib(Vbe), Ic(Vbe), lg(Ib(Vbe)), lg(Ic(Vbe));
for diodes (DIODE): Id(Vbias), lg(Id(Vbias));
for pn-junction capacitors (DCAP and PNCAP): C(Vbias), lg(C(Vbias));
for capacitors (CAP): C(Vbias);
for resistors (RES): R(Tmp);
for inductors (IND): L(Ithru).
Where: Ids — drain current;
— differential conductivity: Gds(Vds)=(Ids(Vds+Vdincr)–Ids(Vds))/Vdincr;
Vgs — drain-source and gate-source voltages respectively;
Ic — base current and collector current;
Vce, Vbc — base-emitter, collector-emitter,
base-collector voltages respectively;
— current through diode;
— diode bias voltage;
C —
R —
— temperature;
L —
— current through inductor.
For more detail about the program you can download user's manual (see below).
Currently two computer platforms are supported:
IBM PC: SPAREXT Version 1.31 /PC/ (Build 126/990616) for DOS/386 and
VAX/VMS: SPAREXT Version 1.3 (VAX/VMS) (25.03.92)
This versions for both platforms are functionally identical.
User's Manuals:
SPAREXT Version 1.31 /PC/ User's Manual (ZIP-file
16161 bytes)
SPAREXT Version 1.3 (VAX/VMS) User's Manual (ZIP-file
33224 bytes)
For IBM PC there are DEMO version, which are functionally identical to comers version. The differences are concerned to limitations on the following parameters: the maximum number of measured points (20); the maximum number of measured curves (5).
SPAREXT Version 1.31 /PC/ DEMO (Build 126/990616) (ZIP-file
749938 bytes)
For further information and any questions, please, mail to: [email protected].
Copyright © 2000 Alexander V. Loukyanets, All Rights Reserved.